ISO 45001 Consultancy

ISO 45001 Consultancy

The ISO 45001 standard “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for Use”, provides a robust and effective set of processes for improving work safety in global supply chains. Designed to help organizations of all sizes and industries, the new International Standard is expected to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses around the world.

In these times of rising awareness of the importance of occupational health and safety (OH&S), which includes increasingly strict legislation governing those areas, many organizations want to improve their OH&S practices and avoid OH&S issues. Intermittent “reviews” or “audits,” conducted on an annual or semi-annual basis, can provide a snapshot assessment of an organization’s legal and policy compliance. However, these reviews are not sufficient to provide assurance that an organization will continue to meet its legal and policy obligations. To get that kind of guarantee, companies need a structured OH&S management system that works within their organization every day, not just a few times a year.

Using our Proven Consulting Approach, Cyber Tiger has the knowledge and expertise to help organizations achieve ISO 45001 certification for the first time, add ISO 45001 certification to an existing one, or migrate to the latest ISO 45001 version.

Cyber Tiger’s Turnkey Consulting services provide a clear and proven path to ISO 45001 certification and the establishment of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System.